Fullscreen Overlay Responsive Navigation Menu Using HTML & CSS

 In this article, I am going to show you how to create a full-screen navigation menu bar. You can create a full-page menu bar using only HTML and CSS code. Earlier I have created many types of navigation menus such as site menu bar, top menu bar, responsive menu bar, etc. You can visit our new website Tecnoacquisti to know more about this.

Full-screen navigation is a kind of menu design where you can arrange the topics in your website or blog neatly. So that your user can easily find the topics. In most cases, the top menu bar can be noticed in most websites which is the most popular. But in some cases, this type of full skin menu bar is used which can be made very easily and simply.

In this case, there is a button on the homepage, which when clicked, the menu bar can be seen across the entire page. Hope you like this design.

See the Pen
fullpage menu 1
by Foolish Developer (@fghty)
on CodePen.

Hopefully looking at the design above you like this Full-screen Overlay Responsive Navigation menu. If you want to make it and want to know how I made this design then you can follow the tutorial below.

Below you can watch the video tutorial to know the complete step-by-step. Here you can find out which programming code has been used to create which element.


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Sidebar Menu Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Sidebar Menu Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

In this article, you will learn how to create sidebar menus using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming code. I have designed many more sidebar menus before. Hope you like these sidebar menus like those designs. 

In this case, I have used HTML to build and CSS programming code to design. In this case, a small amount of JavaScript has been used to activate the menu button. If you want to create a sidebar menu without JavaScript programming code, you can see the other designs I made. Clicking on the menu button here will hide the entire menu bar. 

When you click on that button again, the full menu bar will appear. This sidebar menu is designed in a modern way and has everything you need to make a sidebar beautiful and attractive. 

Sidebar Menu Using HTML CSS JavaScript

First of all, here I used a profile image. Below that is a place to give names and descriptions. Below that, I have added many menu items here. I added icons to each menu item. Adding icons makes menu items look more beautiful and attractive.

If you want, you can change these menu items to your liking. Here in the background, I have used blue color(background: rgb(5, 68, 104);) and added a hover color effect on menu items. The icons will change the background when you hover or click on the menu items. The sidebar menu is a very simple and simple design that you can undoubtedly learn to make very easily. 

If you want to see a live demo of this structure, you can see the demo section below. You can also copy the required source code from there and use it for your own purposes.

See the Pen
side bar menu
by shantanu jana (@fghty)
on CodePen.


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How To Create Drop Down Menu In HTML and CSS

Here’s how to create a dropdown menu bar using HTML and CSS programming code. Earlier I designed many types of menu bars. Hopefully, you will like this design like the others. You will notice that all the websites have menubars. This menu bar helps to enhance the quality and beauty of your website.

Drop-down Menu Bar

The dropdown menu bar is an element of your website that allows you to display many of your web pages in one place. Such graphic elements are designed using HTML and CSS programming. 

This is undoubtedly beautiful enough and will help to increase the quality of your website a lot. There are many types of menubars today, one of them being the top menu bar. Here I have basically made the top menu bar and with it, I have made three types of sub-menubars. 

As a result, you can arrange a large number of pages in the menu bar.

Basically, I used two types of programming code to make it. One is the HTML that helped build the structure of this menu bar. The other is the CSS programming code that helped design it.

 A multi-step dropdown has been used for this menu bar. If you look at the image above, you will understand that here I have used a colorful image in the background and blue in the menus. I used black for the hover effect. 

This means that I am designing this menu bar using blue and black colors.

How to create a drop-down menu bar in HTML

You can download the source code required to create it by clicking on the download button above. You can also copy the HTML and CSS codes below and use them in your project. Add the HTML code below in the body section and the CSS code in the head section.

HTML Code:


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