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05/24 2024
URL Shortener Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

URL Shortener Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

publish on May 24, 2024

Introduction : URL shortener is a web-based tool that allows users to convert long URLs into shortened versions. This is particularly useful for sharing links where character space is limited

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05/21 2024
Notes Taking App Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Notes Taking App Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

publish on May 21, 2024

Introduction : This project is a simple yet functional notes-taking web application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The app allows users to create, display, and delete notes. It also

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05/11 2024
Typing Speed Tester Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Typing Speed Tester Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

publish on May 11, 2024

Introduction : The Typing Speed Test Game is a web-based application created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The purpose of this game is to assess and improve the user’s typing speed and accuracy. The game presents

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05/17 2024
Facebook Clone Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Facebook Clone Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

publish on May 17, 2024

Introduction : The Facebook clone app is a simplified web-based application that emulates the basic layout and functionalities of Facebook. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this project demonstrates the

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05/05 2024
Spinning Loader Using HTML and CSS

Spinning Loader Using HTML and CSS

publish on May 5, 2024


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05/18 2024
Travel Planner Website Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Travel Planner Website Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

publish on May 18, 2024

Introduction : The Travel Planner website is designed to help users explore and book travel destinations. It includes features such as viewing popular destinations, searching for tours, checking available packages,

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05/09 2024
Bill Splitter Using HTML , CSS and JavaScript

Bill Splitter Using HTML , CSS and JavaScript

publish on May 9, 2024

Introduction : This bill splitting website aims to simplify the process of dividing a bill among a group of people. It allows users to input the total bill amount, select
