Javascript is a client-side scripting language that renders in the client’s browser. Javascript is a programming language that helps create dynamic and responsive websites. Javascript helps in creating unique projects with different features and security. Creating projects using JavaScript helps in creating modern websites and also helps in building confidence.

In this article, we will look at 30+ javascript projects that help us gain experience with real-world projects and also help us increase our frontend design skills. To become an expert front-end developer, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of JavaScript, and creating different types helps us get commands on JavaScript projects.
Before we start with different javascript projects, let’s understand the benefits of working on real-world javascript projects.
What are the benefits of creating JavaScript projects?
Working on a JavaScript project has many advantages, such as:
- Real-world project experience.
- It helps in creating responsive and dynamic websites.
- Enhances our front-end skills.
- Boost confidence when working on real-world projects.
- Helps in getting a job.
30+ Javascript Code:
1. Login and Registration Form
Project details: Login forms are used to get authenticated access to the webpage for accessing some important services provided by the website, and sign-up is used to create an account on the website by sharing personal information.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

2. Simple Pop-Up Form
Project details: A pop-up form is a javascript function in which we create a simple form using HTML and CSS, and then using the javascript event listener function, we will create a pop-up form in which, as the user clicks on the button, a login form will pop up on the webpage.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

3. Sidebar Drop-Down Menu:
Project details: A sidebar drop-down menu is a type of navigation bar that contains links to different navigation menus that help in visiting any section of the website with much effort.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

4. Price Range Slider
Project details: Price Range Slider is a small project that is mostly used on the e-commerce website. The price range slider is used as a filter by dragging the input type slider to a specific price point, which shows the result of the product that falls under the particular price range.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

5. Image Color Picker
Project details: Image Color Picker is a javascript project that uses an HTML form element for uploading a particular image and then uses the javascript function to find the color user inside the image. This method helps in finding the colors that are present inside the image.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

6. OTP Input Field Using Javascript
Project details: The OTP input field using JavaScript is a UI design of the website where we need to enter an OTP one-time password for authentication on the website. This type of project is used by users for security purposes on most transnational websites.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

7. Alarm Clock Using Javascript
Project details: Alarm Clock is a web application that fetches the current timing from the user’s browser and allows the user to set a particular time. The clock then starts calculating the time, and when the set time matches the browser’s time, a sound is produced.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

8. Simple Quiz App
Project details: A quiz app is a web application that contains a variety of types of questions and uses the form element to create the option for our quiz app, then uses the javascript property to store the array of questions and uses the condition property to check if the answer is right or wrong.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

9. Progress Bar Using Javascript
Project details: Progress bars are used to keep track of the user’s progress. This method helps in creating a project that keeps a record of the user’s progress and displays their progress for better results.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

10. Word Counter Using Javascript
Project details: A word counter using javascript is a web application that uses the javascript function count to count the number of characters inside the webpage and then displays the result for the user. This type of project is helpful when we need to specify some important paragraphs with a fixed character length.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

11. Simple Javascript Calculator
Project details: A calculator is used for performing simple mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This type of project helps in creating a web calculator that helps in solving big mathematical problems.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

12. Random Password Generator Javascript
Project details: A password generator is an application that uses a JavaScript math random function to create a random password based on the conditions. This password uses a combination of unique images, numbers, and values.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

13. Age Calculator Using Javascript
Project details: The age calculator uses the difference method to find the age of the person. In this project, we will first determine the current date of the browser, then, using the font date input, fetch the date of the user, and then find the difference between the two dates, which is the actual age of the user.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

14. Text Typing Animation Using Javascript
Project details: A text-typing animation is a javascript effect in which we add the animation and different movements to the text using javascript, which helps in creating a user-interactive text.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

15. Show/Hide Password Using Javascript
Project details: Show/Hide Password is a javascript project that is used as the security for our website. It helps in protecting our data from being lost. This project helps keep our passwords safe in public places.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

16. TO DO List
Project details: A to-do list is a web application software that helps in managing all the tasks that should be performed by the user. The TO-do list allows users to add as many tasks as they want and helps them remember what tasks they need to complete, which helps them manage their time.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

17. Random Joke Generator Javascript
Project details: A random joke generator uses APIs that use javascript random functions that request joke servers through APIs to fetch random jokes and display them to the user.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

18. Read More and Read Less Button Using HTML, CSS & Javascript
Project details: A read more and less button is used to save space on the webpage. This type of technique is used to provide large amounts of information in a small space. When the user clicks on the read more button, the hidden content is displayed to the user.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

19. Height Converter Using Javascript
Project details: A height converter helps in converting height from inch to cm using the formula through a javascript function. We convert the height from inches to cm using a Javascript function.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

20. Days Between Dates Using Javascript
Project details: This project helps to find the number of days between two specific dates. We use javascript and HTML form elements for taking date input, and then using the difference formula, we display the total number of days between dates.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

21. Simple Number Guessing Game Using HTML, CSS & Javascript
Project details: A simple number-guessing game is a JavaScript small game in which we use a math random function to generate a new number randomly between 1 and 100, and the user has to guess what the number is. If the user is unable to guess the number in one shot, the function will help by giving little hints about the number.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

22. Check Password Strength in Javascript
Project details: A password strength calculator in JavaScript is a password length calculator that calculates the strength of the password using the character length reader, which has a particular condition if the condition matches the password.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

23. Get Day Name of the Week in Javascript
Project details: Day Name of the Week takes the date input from the user and, using JavaScript, calculates the total number of odd days present in it. According to the number of odd days, we display the week name to the user.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

24. Zoom Image on Scroll Using Javascript
Project details: Zoom image on scroll is a javascript project in which we use the CSS properties in javascript so that as the user puts the cursor on the image and rotates the mouse wheel, the image will zoom.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

25. Simple Weight Calculator Using Javascript
Project details: A simple weight calculator takes the weight input from the user, and then using the kg-to-pound converter using the javascript function, we convert the weight from pound to kg.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

26. Registration form with Javascript
Project details: A registration form helps the user create an account on the user’s website to access the services and products provided by the user. This method helps you gain access to the user’s website with authentication.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

27. Create a Countdown Timer Using HTML, CSS & Javascript
Project details: A countdown timer is a tool that first fetches the exact timing through the user’s browser and then takes input from the user on when the timer should stop and start reverse counting until the watch reaches zero.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

28. Internet Speed Using Javascript
Project details: Javascript uses an API to test the internet speed. By allowing the API to fetch a download speed by accelerating the network and then checking the upload speed, using the javascript function, we calculate the speed of the internet.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

29. Image Slider Using Javascript
Project details: Image Slider is used for showing multiple images in a carousel form so that the user can see an automatically set of images at the same time with a gap interval.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

30. 3D Image Slider Using Javascript
Project details: A 3D image slider is a javascript in which multiple images are rotated in a 3D way, which makes them look more attractive to the user.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera
Responsive: Yes
Language Used: HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

From this article, we learn about JavaScript source-code projects. You can get an explanation of the code along with a preview of the project by clicking on the links we provide for more than 30 Javascript projects with source code.
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Author: Arun