Introduction :
The Word Scramble Game is a simple web-based application that challenges users to guess a scrambled word. This project is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features a clean user interface, a word scrambling mechanism, user interaction through text input, and feedback on guesses. Additionally, it includes a dark mode toggle to enhance user experience.
The HTML structure of the game provides the framework for the content and user interface. Here’s a breakdown of the components:
- DOCTYPE and HTML Tags: Standard HTML document declaration and root element.
- Head Section: Includes meta information and links to external CSS.
- Body Section: Contains the main game elements:
- Container Div: Wraps the entire game interface.
- Heading: Displays the game title.
- Word Div: Shows the scrambled word.
- Input Field: Allows users to input their guess.
- Submit Button: Users click to submit their guess.
- Message Div: Provides feedback on the user’s guess.
- New Word Button: Generates a new scrambled word.
- Toggle Dark Mode Button: Toggles between light and dark mode.
- Script Tag: Links the external JavaScript file.
The CSS defines the styling and layout of the game, including the light and dark modes:
- Basic Styling: Sets default font, colors, and transitions.
- Dark Mode: Styles for the dark mode, changing background and text colors.
- Container Styling: Centers the game elements and sets margins.
- Element Styling: Sizes and spaces elements like the heading, word display, input field, and buttons.
- Hover Effects: Adds interactivity by changing button colors on hover.
The JavaScript file contains the game logic and functionality. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
: An array of possible words to scramble.currentWord
: Hold the current word and its scrambled version.
: Randomly selects a word from thewords
: Scrambles the letters of the given word.displayScrambledWord()
: Selects a random word, scrambles it, and displays it.checkGuess()
: Checks if the user’s guess matches the original word and provides feedback.
Event Listeners:
- Submit Button: Calls
to verify the user’s guess. - New Word Button: Generates and displays a new scrambled word, and resets the input and message.
- Toggle Dark Mode Button: Toggles the dark mode class on the body element.
- Submit Button: Calls
Initialization: Calls
to start the game with a scrambled word.
HTML (index.html)
Word Scramble Game
Word Scramble Game
CSS (style.css)
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
background-color: #f4f4f4;
color: #333;
transition: background-color 0.5s ease, color 0.5s ease;
.dark-mode body {
background-color: #333;
color: #f4f4f4;
#container {
text-align: center;
margin-top: 50px;
h1 {
font-size: 36px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#word {
font-size: 32px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#guess {
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 16px;
#message {
margin-top: 10px;
font-weight: bold;
button {
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 10px 20px;
background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
border: none;
border-radius: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
button:hover {
background-color: #45a049;
.dark-mode button {
background-color: #222;
.dark-mode button:hover {
background-color: #333;
JavaScript (index.js)
const words = ['javascript', 'html', 'css', 'python', 'java', 'ruby', 'php', 'swift'];
let currentWord, scrambledWord;
function selectRandomWord() {
return words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
function scrambleWord(word) {
return word.split('').sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5).join('');
function displayScrambledWord() {
currentWord = selectRandomWord();
scrambledWord = scrambleWord(currentWord);
document.getElementById('word').innerText = scrambledWord;
function checkGuess() {
const guess = document.getElementById('guess').value.toLowerCase();
if (guess === currentWord) {
document.getElementById('message').innerText = 'Correct!';
} else {
document.getElementById('message').innerText = 'Incorrect. Try again!';
document.getElementById('submit').addEventListener('click', checkGuess);
document.getElementById('new-word').addEventListener('click', () => {
document.getElementById('guess').value = '';
document.getElementById('message').innerText = '';
document.getElementById('toggle-dark-mode').addEventListener('click', () => {
// Initialize game