Creating a number guessing game in Java is a fun and educational way to learn more about the language and its basic functionalities.

Number Guessing Game in Java (Step by Step)

Do you want to create Number Guessing Game in Java?

If you know basic Java, then you can make Number Guessing Game easily. If you are a beginner, then Number Guessing Game Java is a perfect project for you.

In this project, you will learn about the different syntaxes of Java and their usage.

Creating a number guessing game in Java is a fun and educational way to learn more about the language and its basic functionalities.

Number Guessing Game in Java

The number guessing game in Java is straightforward: the program will generate a random number between a specified range, and the player’s objective is to guess the correct number within a limited number of attempts. 

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a basic understanding of Java syntax and will have created a simple interactive game.

Setting Up the Project ⚙️

  1. Install Java: Make sure you have Java installed on your computer. You can download it from Oracle’s official website or use OpenJDK if you prefer open-source alternatives.

  2. IDE: It’s a good idea to use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans to make coding in Java more efficient. Choose the one you are most comfortable with.

  3. Create a New Java Project: Create a new Java project in your IDE and give it a name, e.g., “NumberGuessingGame.”

Number Guessing Game Java

I have given all the code of this Java Number Guessing Game below. You can use these codes directly.

But if you can’t understand the codes then there is no reason to worry. I have explained all the code of this Number Guessing Game in Java step by step.

					import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class NumberGuessingGame {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Scanner object for user input
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        // Create a Random object for generating a random number
        Random rand = new Random();
        // Define the lower and upper bounds for the random number
        int lowerBound = 1;
        int upperBound = 100;
        // Generate a random number within the specified range
        int numberToGuess = rand.nextInt(upperBound - lowerBound + 1) + lowerBound;
        // Initialize the number of tries
        int numberOfTries = 0;
        // Display a welcome message and the game's instructions
        System.out.println("Welcome to the Number Guessing Game!");
        System.out.println("I'm thinking of a number between " + lowerBound + " and " + upperBound + ".");
        // Start a loop for the game
        while (true) {
            // Prompt the user to guess the number
            System.out.print("Guess the number: ");
            int userGuess = input.nextInt();
            // Increment the number of tries
            // Check if the user's guess is correct
            if (userGuess == numberToGuess) {
                // If the guess is correct, display a win message with the number of tries and exit the loop
                System.out.println("Congratulations! You guessed the number in " + numberOfTries + " tries.");
            } else if (userGuess < numberToGuess) {
                // If the guess is too low, provide feedback to try a higher number
                System.out.println("Try a higher number.");
            } else {
                // If the guess is too high, provide feedback to try a lower number
                System.out.println("Try a lower number.");
        // Close the Scanner object to release system resources

Explanation of the above code

Below I have explained step by step how Number Guessing Game in Java works. If you know basic Python then you can easily understand the following codes.

Step 1: Import Required Libraries:

					import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;


The program starts by importing the necessary Java libraries, Random for generating random numbers and Scanner for taking user input.

Step 2: Initialize Variables:

					Scanner input = new Scanner(;
Random rand = new Random();
int lowerBound = 1;
int upperBound = 100;
int numberToGuess = rand.nextInt(upperBound - lowerBound + 1) + lowerBound;
int numberOfTries = 0;

  • input is a Scanner object used to read input from the user.

  • rand is a Random object used to generate a random number.

  • lowerBound and upperBound define the range within which the random number will be generated.

  • numberToGuess stores the randomly generated number that the user has to guess.

  • numberOfTries keeps track of the number of attempts the user makes.

Step 3: Welcome Message:

					System.out.println("Welcome to the Number Guessing Game!");
System.out.println("I'm thinking of a number between " + lowerBound + " and " + upperBound + ".");


The program displays a welcome message, informing the user about the game’s objective and the range of numbers.

Step 4: Number Guessing Loop:

					while (true) {
    System.out.print("Guess the number: ");
    int userGuess = input.nextInt();

  • The program enters a while loop, which will continue until the user correctly guesses the number. Inside the loop:

  • It prompts the user to enter their guess and stores it in the userGuess variable.

  • The numberOfTries counter is incremented for each guess.

					    if (userGuess == numberToGuess) {
        System.out.println("Congratulations! You guessed the number in " + numberOfTries + " tries.");


It checks if the userGuess is equal to the numberToGuess. If it is, the user guessed the number correctly, and the program displays a success message with the number of tries. The break statement is used to exit the loop.

					    else if (userGuess < numberToGuess) {
        System.out.println("Try a higher number.");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Try a lower number.");


If the user’s guess is not correct, the program provides feedback. If the userGuess is less than the numberToGuess, it suggests trying a higher number, and if it’s greater, it suggests trying a lower number.

Step 5: Close Scanner:



Finally, the program closes the Scanner to release any associated resources.

Hope you have learned from this article how to make Java Number Guessing Game.

Building a simple number guessing game in Java is an excellent way to practice fundamental programming concepts, such as input/output handling, loops, and conditional statements.

You can enhance the game further by adding features like difficulty levels or a user-friendly interface. Comment on how you like this Number Guessing Game in Java.

Creating a “Guess the Number” game in Java is an enjoyable project for beginners to learn about Java programming concepts.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment

Step 2: Writing the Code

Step 3: Running the Game

That’s it! You’ve created a basic “Guess the Number” game in Java.

A number guessing game in Java is a simple interactive game where the player attempts to guess a randomly selected number. The computer generates a random number within a specified range, and the player provides guesses.

Here’s an overview of how a typical number guessing game in Java works:

1. Initialization:

2. Player Input:

3. Comparison:

4. Feedback:

5. Repeat:

6. Game Over: