The rain effect is an animation effect that helps in creating animated webpages. These types of effects are mainly used in the weather report website, where the user uses different backgrounds with particular weather conditions. The background of the website also changes.
If you are planning to create the same kind of project where you can implement the rain effect, then, my friend, you are at the right place. Here, you will be provided with a collection of 12+ CSS rain effects, which will help you choose the best rain effect that you can use inside your project.

If you are looking for the design of the Best CSS Rain Effect then you have come to the right place.
Here we have created a collection of Simple Rain Animation Effects.
Every design is beautiful and simple. Here you will find the source code and demo. Rain Effect Animation is found on different web pages.
Many beginners want to use pure CSS rain animation. This list will help them the most. Most of the designs here are made by HTML and CSS.
1. Simple Rain Animation Effect
This is a Simple Rain Animation Effect created by HTML and JavaScript. However, using JavaScript here will not cause you any problems. Rain’s color blue has been used here. A kind of animation is seen when its drop touches the ground.
2. CSS Rain Effect
If you want to use the simplest design then this is for you. Here the drops of rain have to fall down very quickly. Here HTML, CSS, and javascript are used.
3. Neon rain animation
If you want to use a little advanced Rain Animation Effect then you must like it. It was created using canvas and advanced JavaScript. So if you want to make this Neon Rain Animation then you need to have a good idea about JavaScript.
4. Colorful Rain Animation Effects
If different colors are used in Rain Animation then its beauty increases a lot. Different colors have been used in the raindrops of this design. This Colorful Rain Animation Effects is made using HTML, CSS, and react js. Here the raindrop is falling to the ground at a 60-degree angle.
5. Pure CSS Rain With Animated
See the Pen Rain by minten (@minten) on CodePen.
This water drop animation is a bit like the first design. This means that a kind of animation can be noticed while reading on the dropping ground. However, no color was used here. If you want to create a simple and animated raindrop effect then this design is for you.
6. CSS Rain Effect using jquery
See the Pen Raindrop by Neal Agarwal (@nealagarwal) on CodePen.
This Rain Effect has been made much more advanced. However, jQuery has been used with css here. Two types of colors have been used here. When the rain descends from above, its color will be blue. The color will be white when the rain descends.
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7. Rain Effect Animation using CSS
See the Pen CSS Rain Effect by Aaron Rickle (@arickle) on CodePen.
This design is very advanced and has many options. There are various control buttons that allow you to control this animation. However, it is very difficult to make. Basically, you can control the speed of the rain from the control button here.
8. CSS Rain Animation Effect
See the Pen lightning storm with rain – canvas by Nvagelis (@Nvagelis) on CodePen.
Rain animation is perfect when it has a thunder effect. Thunder has been used in this design. This thunder effect can be seen in reading raindrops. Undoubtedly it has made this eminence more perfect.
9. Pure CSS Rain with Lightning Effects
See the Pen rain by Rich East (@REast) on CodePen.
A little smart animation has been used here. Only JavaScript is used to create it. A lamp post has been placed on a black background. This animation can be seen in the place of that lamppost. There is no doubt that the Rain Animation Effect is very difficult to create.
10. Only CSS Rain Animation Effects
See the Pen rainy season by K-T (@K-T) on CodePen.
This simple rain effect has been created on the SVG background. There is no special animation in the animation here. However, using SVG in the background makes it look much nicer.
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11. Rain animation with thunder effect
See the Pen Pure CSS Rain by Yannick Brandt (@Coderesting) on CodePen.
If you want to make Only CSS Rain Animation Effects then there can be no better design than this. This design is not very professional but is perfect for beginners. This design is made with some HTML and some CSS.
12. Rain Effect Animation using pure CSS
See the Pen Just rain by Cloud Andrade (@datCloud) on CodePen.
I have recently seen another design using the thunder effect. However, this design is a bit different. It is made in the simplest way. Raindrops are constantly read here and thunder lights are seen from time to time.
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13. Matrix digital rain (animated version)
See the Pen Matrix digital rain (animated version) by yuanchuan (@yuanchuan) on CodePen.
This is a Matrix digital rain effect. If you want to make your webpage more attractive then this will be perfect for you.
Comment on which design you like the most among these Simple Rain Animation Effects. You can copy these CSS Rain Effects directly and use them on any of your web pages. If there is any problem, please comment.
What is a Rain Effect?
A Rain Effect is a CSS property in which using the CSS animation and keyframes property we add the water drop and lightning effect in the website.
What is the Syntax for CSS Animation
div {
animation: raindrop 5s infinite;