Flashlight Effect using HTML CSS

10+ Flashlight Effect using HTML CSS (Free Code)

In this article I have given 10 best Flashlight Effect HTML CSS examples. Every flashlight effect design here is very beautiful. Some designs are made with only html and css. Some designs use JavaScript and jQuery.

The “flashlight effect” is a visual effect that simulates a flashlight shining on a webpage. It is typically achieved by creating a semi-transparent overlay on the page, and then using CSS to create a spotlight-like effect on the overlay, usually by adding a radial gradient or a mask.

The CSS properties used to create the effect may include background-image, background-position, background-size, background-repeat, mask-image, and mask-size. It can be implemented using HTML and CSS, JavaScript and other programming languages.

1. Flashlight Effect With Javascript

This is a simple Flashlight Effect made with Javascript. Here html css and javascript are used. First the basic area is created using html. Then background color and basic effects are added by css. Finally, this flashlight effect is activated by JavaScript.

See the Pen Flashlight effect by Kate Pronina (@katepronina) on CodePen.

Here an image is used in the background. When you hover the mouse over that image, you will see a spotlight-like effect at that place.

2. Flashlight Effect with SVG

This Flashlight Effect is created by svg. Here html and css are used. No JavaScript is used. So if you want to create a flashlight effect without javascript then you can use this design. Very little code is used here due to using svg.

See the Pen Flashlight effect by Manoj Naidu (@manojnaidu619) on CodePen.

Here is a text in the background. When you move the mouse the background will be yellow and the text will be visible. It is very easy to make but very beautiful.

3. Clip-Path flashlight

This css flashlight effect is very beautiful. Here an image and text are used in the background. Another image is used along with it. That is, there are 2 layers. The bottom layer has only one image. 2nd layer contains image and some text. When you move the mouse the 2nd layer will not be visible and the first layer will be visible.

html css and javascript are used to create this clip-path flashlight effect. If you are a beginner then this design will be perfect for you. Because the code used here is very simple.

4. Advance Flashlight Effect JavaScript

If you want to know more about colors then you can follow Color Hex Map site. There you will know about RGB, hex etc formats well. There is some text and headings in the background. And the whole background is dark. You can see the text of the place where you move the mouse.

See the Pen Flashlight Effect by Kiana (@KianaMsqt) on CodePen.

If you want to use flashlight effect in your professional work then I request you to use this design.

5. Spotlight Effect using HTML CSS

This Spotlight Effect is a bit tricky to make because it uses svg and a lot of javascript. The amount of JavaScript here is very high because this design is made in a very professional manner. First the basic structure is created with svg and some html. Then it is designed by css. Finally it is activated by javascript.

See the Pen YouLost3 by Nitasoki (@nitasoki) on CodePen.

Here also some text is used in the background. The text is completely hidden. It will be visible when you hover the mouse.

6. CSS Flashlight Mouse Pointer

You can create a flashlight mouse pointer using CSS by creating a div element and setting its background color and size to match the appearance of a flashlight beam. Then, you can use the :hover pseudo-class to apply a CSS animation that makes the beam appear to shine on hover. All the codes used in this Flashlight Effect are very simple. You can understand it even if you have little knowledge of coding.

See the Pen Interactive Resume by Ali GOREN (@aligoren) on CodePen.

Here a lot of text and headings are used in the background. That information is nicely arranged by css. Then the simple Flashlight Effect is added here.

7. Mousemove flashlight effect

This Mousemove flashlight effect is made very differently. If you are looking for a different kind of flashlight effect then this design will be your choice. You can create a flashlight effect that follows the mouse cursor using CSS and JavaScript.

First, create a div element for the flashlight beam and set its initial position to be the center of the screen using CSS. Then, using JavaScript or jQuery, you can listen for the mousemove event and update the position of the flashlight beam div to match the current mouse coordinates.

See the Pen Flashlight Effect by Phil Flanagan (@phileflanagan) on CodePen.

Here is a torch light effect created. And this effect will move from a certain point in different directions. This effect will appear wherever you move the mouse.

Here now 7 designs are used. Next time I will update more designs here. Comment how you like these css flashlight effect designs.