Skeleton Loading Animation using HTML & CSS
In this article, you will learn how to create Skeleton Loading Animation using HTML and CSS. Already shared a tutorial on creating a working skeleton loader using JavaScript. Now is the time to create Skeleton Loading Animation CSS.
The design I made earlier was completely functional, meaning the content could be seen after a short loading animation. However, in the case of this design, it will not be the only animation that will continue here. This will help beginners understand how skeleton CSS animation works.
If you want to make it work with JavaScript you can follow the previous tutorial. The CSS Skeleton Loading animation created here was originally created on a profile card.
Skeleton Loading Animation CSS
You must have seen different types of websites where such animations on elements or content can be seen during internet slowdown. For example, in the case of websites like YouTube, Facebook, etc., you will see this type of screen loading animation when the internet speed is low.
Which satisfies some of the users and enhances the beauty of the website. Below I have given a demo that will help you to know how this design works.
See the Pen
Skeleton Loading Animation CSS by Foolish Developer (@foolishdevweb)
on CodePen.
The demo above has helped you to know how this loading animation works. As you can see, a web page is painted blue. Then a box was made. HTML and CSS have been used to make it much easier.
We created its basic structure with the help of HTML and designed it with the help of CSS. Since it was not implemented, no JavaScript was used.
How to Create Skeleton Screen Loading Animation
This box is basically a profile card that first contains a small profile image space. Then there is the place to give the name and then some basic information. After all, there is a place to put icons on some social media. Skeleton Loading Animation CSS has been added to these places. This animation will continue for 2 seconds.
Now it’s time to use HTML and CSS to create it. This requires you to have a basic idea about HTML and CSS. If you only want the source code, you can use the download button below the article.